‘Save crib’ petition at Beaumont Hospital gathers 1,000 signatures

Some staff and patients angered by management ban on cribs in foyer and wards

Traditional Church crib. Photograph: Cyril Byrne

A row has erupted at Beaumont Hospital in Dublin between management and a number of staff who are seeking cribs to be set up in the foyer and on hospital wards.

A petition “to save the crib” with more than 1,000 signatures was being ignored, a source told The Irish Times. “A lof of elderly patients are very upset. The children visiting like to see it. The staff like to see it.”

In addition, management is “telling staff who have set up cribs . . . in the wards to remove them”.

In a response, the hospital pointed out that “Beaumont has a crib in the hospital chapel, which is open to all staff, patients and relatives. Daily Mass is held here at 1pm and all are welcome.”


The HSE respects the spiritual practice of all denominations and recognises the increasing secularisation of Irish society

It “acknowledges that the wider hospital community is multicultural and therefore multifaith”. Because of this, the hospital operates “on an interdenominational basis, with chaplaincy facilities shared among the accredited Churches assigned to the hospital, namely Anglican, Methodist, Presbyterian and Roman Catholic,” the statement read.

Beaumont Hospital celebrated its 30th anniversary last month.

A spokeswoman for the Health Service Executive said that where it was concerned “there is no general policy in place. Local arrangements may apply following consultation with staff/patients/local community.”

She continued that “the HSE respects the spiritual practice of all denominations and recognises the increasing secularisation of Irish society. All and no faith traditions are treated with respect and dignity throughout the HSE.”

Patsy McGarry

Patsy McGarry

Patsy McGarry is a contributor to The Irish Times