More women executives required to boost economic growth

Conference told women still face more difficulties than men in business

Minister of State for Gender Equality Kathleen Lynch: hosted conference

“seriously under-represented” in economic decision-making positions, especially in senior management and on corporate boards, an EU conference at Dublin Castle was told yesterday.

The final day of the Women's Economic Engagement and the Europe 2020 Agenda , hosted by Minister of State for Gender Equality Kathleen Lynch, focused on advancing women in senior corporate positions and encouraging their participation in entrepreneurship. More women executives and entrepreneurs are required to boost EU economic growth, Ms Lynch said: "Access to executive positions within the boardroom frequently requires access to the most senior positions within the company.

“If women are not encouraged to advance into more senior positions within their place of employment, then the balance of decision-making within that company is unlikely to shift.”

Business imperative
Head of gender equality at the European Commission Daniela Bankier said women accounted for just 15.8 per cent of board members in EU companies. "Gender equality in economic decision-making is not a women's issue but a business imperative," said Mirella Visser of the Centre of Inclusive Leadership and a former senior executive with ING Bank in Asia.


She pointed to positive outcomes such as improved company performance, enhanced quality of decision-making and better corporate governance.

Colin Gleeson

Colin Gleeson

Colin Gleeson is an Irish Times reporter