Awesomesauce bants, bruh - made it into Oxford online. NBD.

Grexit, mic drop and mkay among 1,000 other new words added to reflect trends in language use


So it’s beer o’clock, and time for the pub: guaranteed bants with my bruhs, a brain fart or two, potential pocket dials and and getting hangry later- but it’s NBD.

These are just some of the 1,000 new words added to in its latest quarterly update, which reveals current trends in language use.

New entries include manspreading, when a man sits with his legs wide apart on public transport encroaching on other seats; bants, short for banter; and NBD, an abbreviation of no big deal.

Beer and wine o’clock, describing the appropriate time of day to start drinking, and brain fart, a temporary lapse or failure to reason correctly, have also been added to the free online dictionary.


Hangry, a word used to show feelings of anger or irritability as a result of hunger, is another new entry. The word has seen its usage increase since 2012, with a big spike in April 2014 connected to an American study about low glucose levels making people cross, according to Oxford Dictionary’s language monitoring service.

Topical news terms have soared in popular usage. Grexit and Brexit, referring to the potential departure of the United Kingdom and Greece from the EU, and deradicalisation, the action of causing a person with extreme views to adopt more moderate ones, are also included in the update.

Other new additions include bruh, describing a male friend, pocket dial, meaning to accidentally call someone while your phone is in a pocket, and mkay, representing the informal pronunciation of OK.

Then there is mic drop, to emphasise an impressive point (where one drops or tosses aside one’s microphone at the end of a performance or speech one considers to have been awesomesauce (excellent).

New words, senses, and phrases are added to once editors have gathered enough independent evidence to be confident they have widespread currency in English.

However, these do not gain an entry into the Oxford English Dictionary unless continued historical use can be shown.

Fiona McPherson, senior editor of Oxford Dictionaries, said the addition of multiple slang words did not represent a dumbing down of English, but showed “creative” use of language.

“There’s always been new slang words. I just think we are more aware of them because of the ways in which we consume and live our lives now,” she said.

“We are bombarded with more and more avenues where those sort of words are used and we just think that there are more of them. I don’t necessarily think that’s the case.

“From my point of view, as a leixcographer, it’s not really about dumbing down, it’s more creative ways that people are using language.”