Shoppers urged to question origin of diamonds

Shoppers have been urged to question jewellers about the origin of the diamonds they are buying in a bid to stop the sale of …

Shoppers have been urged to question jewellers about the origin of the diamonds they are buying in a bid to stop the sale of smuggled or "conflict" diamonds.

The Sierra Leone Ireland Partnership (Slip) announced a leaflet today informing shoppers of the origin of diamonds as part of a campaign to coincide with Sierra Leone's 45th anniversary of independence.

Speaking today, Slip Secretary Martin Rowan, said: "We hope the availability of this leaflet will encourage people to think about the journey a diamond makes before it reaches a jeweller's shop.

"Shoppers may not realise it, but they are in a strong position to influence the diamond supply chain and ensure illicit diamonds do not enter the legitimate market.


"We urge consumers in Ireland to support an ethical diamond trade in Sierra Leone which would enable miners and their communities to benefit from the sale of diamonds they dig up with their own hands."

Mr Rowan also urged the Minister of State at the Department of Foreign Affairs, Conor Lenihan, to include Sierra Leone in Irish Aid's official development assistance programme.

Mr Lenihan welcomed the leaflet and promised to provide over €14 million worth of aid to the country over the next two years.

"The sale of illegal diamonds in Sierra Leone has contributed greatly to the conflict and suffering in that country over the past decade," he said.

Luke Cassidy

Luke Cassidy

Luke Cassidy is Digital Production Editor of The Irish Times