Gas leak prompts International Space Station evacuation

Astronauts move to Russian section of ISS following suspected ammonia leak

The International Space Station (ISS), seen above, has been evacuated following a gas leak. Photograph: EPA/Nasa TV.

Part of the International Space Station (ISS) has been evacuated following a gas leak.

The crew was evacuated from the US section because of a leak of “harmful substances” from the cooling system, Russian news agencies reported.

They quoted an official at the Russian space agency Roscosmos as saying the situation was now under control and all six crew - three Russians, two Americans and an Italian - were safe in the Russian section of the orbiting station.

Interfax news agency said there had been an ammonia leak.


The gas is believed to be ammonia - a toxic colourless substance with a characteristic pungent smell that can be corrosive to the skin, eyes, and lungs.
