Covid-19 changing Irish people’s expectations of science, study shows

Over 75% believe cities nationwide should have more trees and forested areas

Changed priorities: 77% believe Irish cities should have more trees and forested areas. File photograph: Frank Miller

Irish people have strong belief in the ability of science to improve their lives but the impact of Covid-19 has significantly changed their expectations, according to findings of a survey commissioned by Science Foundation Ireland (SFI).

The research shows many Irish people may not want to return to how they worked or how they travelled before coronavirus.

When asked about their hopes for the future and where respondents would like to see science have a positive impact, healthcare came out on top at 82 per cent, followed by climate action (65 per cent) and flexible work options (43 per cent).

In the survey of 1,000 people, almost two thirds of respondents stated they engage with science in their daily lives – a strong indication of the standing of science within Irish society.


SFI asked iReach Insights to investigate the public’s views on how science impacts their everyday lives and where they would like to see changes in the future. It was commissioned to coincide with Science Week 2020, which runs until November 15th and has as its theme “choosing our future – supporting conversations amongst the public on how science can improve our lives”.

The pandemic has prompted changes in how Irish people think about their lives and how they want to live in the future, the findings suggest. More than two-thirds of respondents (69 per cent) agreed Covid-19 restrictions have led them to appreciate nature more; a view that was highest among 18 – to 34-year-olds.

On their future and what Ireland looks like, the research shows Irish people want to see more nature in their cities – 77 per cent of respondents across all demographics said they believed Irish cities should have more trees and forested areas.

Some 40 per cent of respondents stated they never want to go back to how their workplace was pre Covid-19, with 46 per cent stating they never want to commute at all again. Surprisingly, only 6 per cent say the old way of working was worth the commute.

For one fifth of participants (21 per cent) they said that while they did not mind commuting, they would like a greener alternative.

More than half of respondents (56 per cent) said science or technology has helped their mental health, rising to two-thirds (67 per cent) among 18- to 34-year-old – while more than 3 in 4 (76 per cent) think science has helped older people have a better quality of life.

Commenting on the findings, SFI director general and chief scientific adviser to the Government Prof Mark Ferguson said: "The Covid-19 pandemic has facilitated greater focus on our priorities and conversations around our shared hopes for a brighter future and the vital role science and technology can play in developing solutions to the challenges we face."

The research provided a significant opportunity to hear from the public on how Covid-19 has impacted their lives, what they want to change or keep, and what role can science play in shaping Ireland, he added.

“Choosing our Future is the theme for Science Week 2020 and core to this is providing the opportunity for the public to engage with the scientific community,” Prof Ferguson said.

To facilitate this, one of the many virtual activities taking place is “Choosing Our Future”, an outline platform hosting discussions live during Science Week.

“I was delighted to see 61 per cent of respondents stated that they feel they engage with science in their daily lives. We hope this Science Week that through the virtual events and the platform the public have further opportunities to share their views on the role science has on the future of Ireland.”

Modelled on the approach of the Irish citizen's assemblies, the "Choosing our Future Public Forum" will facilitate discussions between the public and the research community. Developed by SFI research centre ADAPT, the platform "will focus on several topics from how we learn, to our physical activity and its impact on our health to the future of work and vaccines".

Details of the platform and the many virtual events taking place for Science Week is available here

Kevin O'Sullivan

Kevin O'Sullivan

Kevin O'Sullivan is Environment and Science Editor and former editor of The Irish Times