Ryan and Ó Cuív unveil plan to make islands 'energy independent'

TWO GOVERNMENT Ministers aim to make Irish offshore communities "greener" and energy efficient under a new initiative unveiled…

TWO GOVERNMENT Ministers aim to make Irish offshore communities "greener" and energy efficient under a new initiative unveiled on the Aran island of Inis Meáin yesterday.

A feasibility study on the potential of a wind and tidal-powered network will focus on the three Aran islands, Minister for Energy Eamon Ryan and Minister for Community, Rural and Gaeltacht Affairs Éamon Ó Cuív said.

It will be complemented by specific support schemes for householders, the Ministers said. This will include a 50 per cent increase in grant assistance for energy efficiency to applicants from the offshore islands.

The special funding will apply to two schemes - phase three of the greener homes scheme, which allows homeowners to install energy efficient technologies such as geothermal heat pumps, solar panels and biomass boilers and stoves, at a subsidised cost; and the home energy saving scheme.


The separate home energy saving scheme has been running on a pilot basis in counties Clare, Limerick, Tipperary and Louth, and may be extended on a nationwide basis next year. It allows homeowners to avail of a subsidised energy assessment. Subsequent insulation works may be subsidised.

"The offshore islands are a microcosm of the energy challenges facing Ireland," Mr Ryan said, commenting on the plans.

"This initiative will show, with energy-proofed homes and a wind- and ocean-powered energy network, not only the potential benefits for the islands but the potential sustainable energy opportunities for wider Ireland," he said on Inis Meáin.

Mr Ó Cuív said the aim was to make islands "energy independent", while also enjoying "warmer, better-insulated homes".

"In these challenging economic times, the benefits will be significant, creating numerous jobs and attracting new, inward investment," he said. His department is jointly funding the feasibility study with Sustainable Energy Ireland (SEI).

Apart from one windfarm with an output capacity of 750kw, the offshore islands rely largely on the mainland for their energy supply, Mr Ó Cuív said.

Electricity is supplied via undersea cables and fuels for transport and heat must be delivered by ferry.

Inis Meáin's new €14 million harbour was also formally opened yesterday by Mr Ó Cuív and Mayor of Co Galway, Peter Feeney.

Lorna Siggins

Lorna Siggins

Lorna Siggins is the former western and marine correspondent of The Irish Times