Rise in over-65 deaths in cold weather

Last winter’s cold weather brought about a 10 per cent rise in the number of over-65 deaths and Age Action Ireland has urged …

Last winter’s cold weather brought about a 10 per cent rise in the number of over-65 deaths and Age Action Ireland has urged people to protect the most vulnerable of older people during the current cold snap.

Research from the Dublin Institute of Technology said the death rate among over-65s during the first quarter of 2009 jumped by 10 per cent, an extra 613 deaths, when compared to the average rate for the same period over the previous three years.

Temperatures last January were the lowest since 2001 in most places and the coldest since 1997 in Cork.

With Met Éireann forecasting a severe weather warning of sleet and snow showers for most of the country over the weekend Eamon Timmins of Age Action Ireland said the cold weather presents a challenge for older people, especially those living alone.


He said: "It is important that everyone plays their part to ensure that those who are frail or house-bound remain safe and well over this period.

"We are reminding people to call in on their older neighbours to ensure they have enough fuel and basics such as milk and bread. Older people can also play their part by keeping in telephone contact with each other and with their family and neighbours."

Mr Timmins also told people to maintain a comfortable temperature in the rooms there are living in.

"Medical research has found that when temperatures fall below 16 degrees Celsius there is an increased risk of respiratory problems, where it drops below 12 degrees, the blood thickens and there is an increased risk of stroke and heart attack," he said.

Between 1,500 and 2,000 excess deaths occur during the winter in Ireland, compared to the summer and many of these are attributed to older people who die as a result of respiratory illness or cardiovascular disease. The cold weather, inadequate heating, low incomes and poorly insulated homes are contributory factors in some of these deaths.

To stay warm this winter Age Action Ireland advises people to:

  • Wear multiple layers of clothing
  • Remain active by exercising daily, but avoid risks in wet or icy conditions
  • Have at least one hot meal a day and sip hot drinks regularly.
  • Stock up provisions in case there is icy weather and you cannot go out
  • Seal gaps around windows and doors. Insulate your home.
Luke Cassidy

Luke Cassidy

Luke Cassidy is Digital Production Editor of The Irish Times