Quinn critical of Ahern's remarks on No campaign

The Labour Party leader today accused the Taoiseach of being "hypocritical" in his attempt to criticise the No to Nice Campaign…

The Labour Party leader today accused the Taoiseach of being "hypocritical" in his attempt to criticise the No to Nice Campaign.

Mr Ruairi Quinn was speaking at a press conference where he called on the electorate not to use the Nice Treaty referendum as a stick with which to beat the Government.

He said if people have frustrations with the Government they should wait until the General Election to take them out.

He called for a ‘critical yes’ vote in a referendum which he said was primarily about the enlargement of the EU. He said the accession of smaller states would "give Ireland the opportunity to maximise further its influence with the European Union."


Mr Quinn was critical of the Government’s campaign for a Yes vote and in particular what he called the Taoiseach’s concentration on personalities rather than the issues involved.

Mr Quinn said: "It is ludicrous for the Taoiseach, whose party fundraise extensively in the US to be complaining about foreign money."

Labour Party MEP, Mr Prionsias De Rossa, accused the No camp of orchestrating a campaign of "misinformation" and of playing on people’s fears.

Mr De Rossa said the No campaign had attempted to convince people the Treaty would increase EU militarisation when it was "simply a step in the direction of facilitating enlargement."

He said the No campaign had ignored the social provisions of the Treaty and reflected narrow nationalism that was long gone in this State.

Eoin Burke-Kennedy

Eoin Burke-Kennedy

Eoin Burke-Kennedy is Economics Correspondent of The Irish Times