Varadkar and Coveney give final interviews ahead of result

We sit down with Leo Varadkar and Simon Coveney

Leo Varadkar and Simon Coveney at the start of the first of four nights on the Hustings in the Red Cow Hotel in Dublin last week. Photograph: Alan Betson/The Irish Times

On the eve of the election of a new Fine Gael leader, and with polling drawing to a close among ordinary party members on Thursday, the two candidates outline their visions for the party and country.

Leo Varadkar: ‘Fine Gael should be a warm house for social conservatives’:

Leo Varadkar launching his campaign bid to be Fine Gael party leader. Photograph: Clodagh Kilcoyne/Reuters

Leo Varadkar is on the run. Criss-crossing the country, meeting the electorate, pressing his case, making his pitch. On Sunday night he was in Cork, at the final hustings debate, delivering a combative performance that surprised even his closest aides, who had advised a cautious approach in his opponent's backyard... Read full interview and watch Harry Meets Leo

Simon Coveney: ‘If you don’t try to represent everybody, who do you exclude?’

Simon Coveney: “The membership are more interested in what the party stands for and less interested in their own careers.” Photograph: Gareth Chaney/Collins

It’s possible, Simon Coveney insists. More than that, it’s happening. People are changing.

He produces a document with calculations on the share of the vote he needs – how many he needs here, how many there, how many switchers. It shows tight margins, a closable deficit. His supporters are whispering that two, maybe three members of the parliamentary party have switched. No names, though... Read full interview and watch Harry Meets Simon


The final day of voting among Fine Gael members  is taking place on Thursday with parliamentary party members voting on Friday morning with the polls closing at noon.

The count is expected to start in the early afternoon with a final result expected at 6 pm.

  • FG leadership tracker: track the contest and check who your local TD, Senator, MEP and councillor is supporting.