Simon Coveney says he’d like to remain in agriculture role

Minister for Agriculture ‘hinted’ at possible move in upcoming cabinet shuffle

Ahead of the Cabinet reshuffle next month Minister for Agriculture, Marine and Food Simon Coveney has confirmed he would like to stay in the same role if the had a choice. Photograph: Alan Betson / The Irish Times

Minister for Agriculture, Marine and Food Simon Coveney has confirmed ahead of next month's Cabinet reshuffle that he would like to stay in the same role.

The Minister has publically spoken about a possible move for him in the upcoming reshuffle in the last week.

However, Mr Coveney said today he has “no idea” what Taoiseach Enda Kenny plans to do.

Mr Coveney said at an event in UCD last night that it “might well be my last speaking here as Agriculture Minister due to the political times we live in”.


He also mentioned at an industry meeting he may not be in the same role after next month.

However, Mr Coveney told RTÉ radio this morning he had no knowledge about the moves the Taoiseach was planning in the reshuffle.

“I think politicians sometimes take themselves too seriously,” he said.

“I genuinely have no idea what the Taoiseach is thinking on this.”

Mr Coveney said if he had the choice, he would like to stay in the same role.

“I enjoy my job and I’m hugely committed to the Irish food industry. I believe it’s a sector that is going to grow.”

“But if the Taoiseach has different plans for me so be it.”

The reshuffle will not go ahead until Labour elects a new party Leader leader on July 4th following the resignation of Tánaiste Eamon Gilmore in the wake of dismal local election results.

Rachel Flaherty

Rachel Flaherty

Rachel Flaherty is Digital Features Editor and journalist with The Irish Times