Sammy Wilson not to contest DUP leadership

Way now clear for Arlene Foster to be formally elected leader next week

The East Antrim MP Sammy Wilson has decided not to contest the leadership of the Democratic Unionist Party.

The East Antrim MP Sammy Wilson has decided not to contest the leadership of the Democratic Unionist Party.

After giving the matter serious consideration and having consulted with senior colleagues including Nigel Dodds and Arlene Foster he has decided not to put his name forward for the top DUP post, it was confirmed today.

It now appears highly unlikely that anyone will compete against the North’s Minister of Finance Ms Foster for the leadership.

Nominations close at teatime on Wednesday when Ms Foster will learn for certain if she is the only DUP member seeking the post.


The new leader will be elected on Thursday of next week by the 46-member DUP parliamentary party of one MEP, MPs and Assembly members. That same night the party’s 90-100 member ruling executive must ratify or reject the candidate.

If, as seems likely, Ms Foster is elected it seems virtually certain that the executive will endorse her as leader, especially considering she also has the approval of the outgoing leader and First Minister Peter Robinson and deputy leader Mr Dodds.

It is expected that Ms Foster will assume both the role of leader and of First Minister.

It had been expected that the DUP would elect a so-called “dream team“: Mr Dodds as leader and Ms Foster as First Minister.

However when North Belfast MP Mr Dodds surprisingly this week ruled himself out of the leadership this left the way open for Ms Foster to take on both leader and First Minister posts.

Gerry Moriarty

Gerry Moriarty

Gerry Moriarty is the former Northern editor of The Irish Times