Report into claims on banking inquiry backs no action

FF Senator Marc MacSharry calls for immediate publication of report on allegations

A whistleblower worked as part of the banking inquiry investigation team and made a number of allegations about those working with the inquiry. File photograph: iStockPhoto/Getty Images

A report into allegations by a whistleblower working with the banking inquiry has recommended no further action be taken.

Senior counsel Senan Allen was asked to investigate claims by a former investigator with the committee.

In his report back to the Oireachtas Commission, he rejected the allegations. It is understood he made one finding, which was that no further action was required.

A source said: “The Houses of the Oireachtas have been totally vindicated by the report.”


The whistleblower worked as part of the investigation team at the committee and made a number of allegations about those working with the inquiry.

The whistleblower submitted an 82-page document under the Protected Disclosures Act. It alleges preferential treatment was given to the Central Bank and the Department of Finance.

Mr Allen was asked to report back by the end of August, and his report was issued to relevant parties last night.

A spokeswoman for the Oireachtas said the legal team was pursuing a route to allow the report to be published.

There has been some concern that key figures were not included as witnesses and were not interviewed.

Call for publication

Fianna Fáil Senator and banking inquiry member Marc MacSharry called for the immediate publication of the report.

“As is known, I have had serious concerns about the whole affair from the beginning. What from the beginning appeared to me to be an Oireachtas service-led investigation is not sufficient, in my view,” he said.

“It is essential all relevant parties have been interviewed and that all leads assessed independently. I am not certain this has occurred to a satisfactory level.

“The report should be immediately published in the public interest and in the interests of the integrity of the committee.”

Members were briefed earlier this week that further allegations have been made against the banking inquiry.

It is unknown if the claims come from the same whistleblower or if another person has come forward. The claims have been made against one committee member, it is understood.