Presidential election: The Irish Times to publish exit poll

Friday evening poll to give projected results of election and blasphemy referendum

The exit poll is being conducted by Ipsos/MRBI among approximately 4,500 respondents at 160 polling stations in every constituency.

The Irish Times will publish an exit poll on Friday evening which will give the projected results of the presidential election and the referendum on blasphemy.

The results will be released after polling stations close on Friday.

The exit poll is being conducted by Ipsos/MRBI among approximately 4,500 respondents at 160 polling stations in every constituency.

Interviewing for the poll will take place outside polling stations from 7am on Friday as the first voters go to the polls, and will continue throughout the day.


Exit polls have demonstrated a high degree of accuracy in the past, with the most recent exit poll conducted for The Irish Times, after the abortion referendum in May, correctly predicting the final result well within the margin of error.

Tomorrow’s poll is estimated to have a margin of error of +/- 1.5 per cent.

Pat Leahy

Pat Leahy

Pat Leahy is Political Editor of The Irish Times