TD puts his hand up to scribbles

DAMIEN ENGLISH, Fine Gael TD for Meath West, was given a torrid time by the presenter when he appeared on Tonight with Vincent…

DAMIEN ENGLISH, Fine Gael TD for Meath West, was given a torrid time by the presenter when he appeared on Tonight with Vincent Browneduring the week.

The show finished on a mystery. What was all that writing about on the palm of Damien’s hand? And why didn’t it help him answer the questions?

“I always have stuff written on my hands,” Damien tells us.

“Whatever was there on Tuesday night wasn’t any good to me anyway because he didn’t talk about what I was told he would.


“I should be in the Green Party. I don’t believe in wasting paper and I haven’t embraced the iPhone yet for notes.

“The hand is also great for shoppings lists. I think I had milk and eggs on there as well the other night.”