Another Macroom native, Michael Creed has recently expanded his presence in Ballincollig. He is the son of former minister of state Donal Creed. He has previously chaired the Dáil Small business and services committee and has been Fine Gael spokesman on health, youth and sport, education and agriculture. Though still young at 52, Creed holds no cabinet portfolio at present – the price for supporting Richard Bruton's heave against Enda Kenny in 2010. During the 2014 reshuffle, Creed was tipped to be brought back in from the cold, but the call never came. His constituency work is held in high regard, particularly in the Macroom-Ballincollig corridor. First elected to the Dáil in 1989, Creed briefly lost his seat to his Fine Gael running mate in 2002, before regaining it in 2007, and topping the poll in 2011. – DARRAGH MURPHY
Profile: Michael Creed (FG)
Cork North West: First TD elected of three