Childrens’ views taken into account in adoption legislation, Seanad told

All children eligible for adoption regardless of parents’ marital status, Minister says

Minister for Children Katherine Zappone: Bill provides for “best interests of the child”. Photograph: Cyril Byrne

The views of children will be taken into account under new adoption legislation, Minister for Children Katherine Zappone has told the Seanad. She said she had amended the Adoption (Amendment) Bill 2016 to enable the views of the child to be heard and to ensure that their best interests were protected.

“The new sections detail the factors and circumstances relevant to the child that the authority or court shall have regard to in determining the child’s best interests in any matter, application or proceeding before them,’’ Ms Zappone said.

She said the factors included the child’s age, the child’s physical, psychological and emotional needs, and the likely effect of adoption. They would also include, added Ms Zappone, the child’s views on his or her proposed adoption, social, intellectual and educational needs, upbringing and care.

There would also be regard for the child’s relationship with his or her parent/s, guardian or relatives, as well as any other relevant circumstances, she said.


Ms Zappone said the children’s referendum had provided children with constitutional rights and protections, and the Bill gave legislative effect to those.

All children were eligible for adoption, regardless of the marital status of their parents, she said.

“The Bill also provides for ensuring that the best interests of the child, and the views of the child, are at the heart of adoption proceedings before the authority or the courts,’’ she added.

Ms Zappone said adoption was first and foremost a child welfare measure, aimed at providing a new family for a child who could not be cared for by his or her parents.

Michael O'Regan

Michael O'Regan

Michael O’Regan is a former parliamentary correspondent of The Irish Times