Call for HSE to care for children of crime families

SEANAD REPORT: A MINISTER has said the HSE should consider taking into care the children of families involved in gangland crime…

SEANAD REPORT:A MINISTER has said the HSE should consider taking into care the children of families involved in gangland crime.

Minister of State for Children Barry Andrews said arguably such children would almost inevitably end up in lives of crime themselves, or at least having a low regard for the State.

The issue of children at risk from such influences needed to be addressed more honestly by the HSE, which was very quick to take a child out of a family if he or she was appropriately deemed to be at risk because of neglect or abuse.

“I would be of the view that a child brought up in these types of violent settings in Limerick, in Dublin, and elsewhere are being exposed to risk, and that there has been established prima facie the type of criteria that should lead to the HSE considering care orders in their respect.


“I have no doubt that these families love their children very much but it’s very arguable whether they’re fit to bring up children in these situations.”

The Minister had spoken to gardaí and social and community workers in Limerick, who had pointed out to him that children under the age of 12, below the age of criminal responsibility, were used by families for intimidation.

Mr Andrews was responding to a debate on gangland crime.

Maurice Cummins (FG) said very slow progress had been made in establishing the promised strength of the Garda Reserve.

He thought the Minister should forget about the reserve. “I don’t think it’s playing any part in the prevention of crime and helping the Garda.”

He said more gardaí were needed.