Nigel Dodds rules himself out as next leader of DUP

North Belfast MP says he favours Arlene Foster as favourite to succeed as DUP chief

Retiring DUP leader Peter Robinson (centre) with Nigel Dodds (left) and Arlene Foster. Mr Dodds has ruled himself out as next DUP leader. File photograph: Brian Lawless/PA Wire

DUP deputy leader Nigel Dodds has dropped something of a political bombshell by announcing he is not standing for the leadership of the Democratic Unionist Party.

The North Belfast MP was viewed as the overwhelming favourite to succeed Peter Robinson as DUP leader, with that formal conferring expected to come following a party executive meeting on Thursday night week.

Mr Dodds, however, has issued a statement on Monday evening saying he would not be seeking the leadership, citing the difficulty of running a party from Westminster.

"I am previously on record as stating clearly my view about the disadvantage of attempting to lead a modern Northern Ireland party from Westminster when we now have devolved government," said Mr Dodds, who does not sit in the Assembly.


“Indeed I have previously made my view known in discussions with senior colleagues,” he added.

Expressions of support

Mr Dodds said he had been humbled by the expressions of support from many quarters in recent days and had taken time before reaching his decision.

“I remain of the view that being at Westminster means I would not be able to devote the necessary day-to-day focus and time to the role of leader and, at the same time, properly and fully carry out my duties and responsibilities in the House of Commons,” he said.

“The work and the opportunities for Northern Ireland at Westminster have already grown significantly and especially recently as a result of the DUP’s position in a House of Commons where the government has such a small majority.

“That work and those opportunities are only set to increase over the course of the five years of this parliamentary term,” he added.

“Whilst in other circumstances it would be natural and a great honour to lead the party, it would be wrong in my current circumstances to put my own personal standing above what I believe to be the long-term best interests of the party and the people we serve,” he said.

Support for Foster

In an interview on Monday evening, Mr Dodds said he favoured Minister of Finance Arlene Foster, expected to take Mr Robinson's First Minister post early in the new year, also taking on the leadership role.

Earlier, he had said: “I believe that in the Assembly Arlene Foster is the leader that can take our party and Northern Ireland forward to an even better future.

“I will continue to fulfill my duties to the party as deputy leader, and working together as part of a strong team of DUP representatives at every level we will continue to offer the best opportunity to advance the cause of unionism at Stormont and Westminster.”

Gerry Moriarty

Gerry Moriarty

Gerry Moriarty is the former Northern editor of The Irish Times