Longford Council: Recount after Frank Kilbride (FG) trails John Reilly (SF) by three votes

Recount called a full 38 hours after the first boxes opened

Tallies show the Fine Gael vote holding up well in Longford but a change of guard in local independents. Photograph: Niall Carson/PA Wire
Tallies show the Fine Gael vote holding up well in Longford but a change of guard in local independents. Photograph: Niall Carson/PA Wire

A recount was called in Longford after the sixth count in the Granard ward left Fine Gael’s Frank Kilbride trailing Sinn Féin’s John Reilly by just three votes.

The recount, which was called a full 38 hours after the first boxes were opened in Longford, became inevitable after both men received significant transfers following the elimination of Independent James Keogh. The vote saw Mr Kilbride, who came eight on first preferences, move to within spitting distance of Mr Reilly as both men faced elimination.

Mr Kilbride was on 721 votes compared to Mr Reilly’s 724 votes when Mr Keogh’s transfers were taken into account.

Following a short adjournment to allow candidates consider their position, returning officer Nora O’Farrell announced around 2am that Mr Kilbride had requested a full reexamination of the ballot papers and a recount to commence at 11am.


Meanwhile, in the south of the county, Fine Gael won three council seats with Colm Murray, Ger Farrell and Paul Ross returned in the early hours of the night. Mr Murray exceeded the quota on the second count and he was joined by independent Mark Casey on the fourth.

Fianna Fáil candidates Pat O'Toole and Mick Cahill as well as Mr Ross were elected without reaching the quota.

Seats filled so far: FG (6) FF (4) Ind (3)

As expected Fine Gael’s John Browne, co-opted onto the council two years ago topped the poll in the Longford town area. He was joined by Independent Gerry Warnock, the surprise package in this election having come fourth on first preferences.

He pulled in strong transfers from the first three eliminated candidates including outgoing Longford town mayor Paul Connell who had been considered a sure thing but whose vote nearly halved this time out.

Browne’s party colleague Peggy Nolan was elected on the sixth count following the elimination of Fine Gael’s Yvonne Ní Mhurchú. Local businessman Seamus Butler Fianna Fáil was also elected.

The final two seats were filled by former Progressive Democrat TD Mae Sexton Independent, who had looked in danger but picked up transfers as the count went on, and Fianna Fáil’s Padraig Loughrey.