Fine Gael’s Seán Conlan claims to be target of ‘cruel attacks’

Cavan-Monaghan deputy makes claim in letter to party members before convention

Seán Conlan: recently involved in series of high-profile controversies. Photograph: Matt Kavanagh
Seán Conlan: recently involved in series of high-profile controversies. Photograph: Matt Kavanagh

A Fine Gael TD involved in a number of recent controversies has told his local party members in a letter distributed ahead of a selection convention on Tuesday that he has been targeted by a "number of blatant and cruel attacks".

Cavan-Monaghan deputy Seán Conlan made the comments in a letter sent to Fine Gael supporters in the constituency before they decide on candidates for the general election.

Mr Conlan’s letter asks members for their support at the convention, adding that he would “be honoured to stand as a Fine Gael candidate in the forthcoming general election”.

He was last week arrested in connection with an alleged assault in a pub. Gardaí investigating the case have received a formal statement of complaint from a man who alleges he was attacked in the pub owned by the TD. The pub is leased to a third party.


The injured man has claimed he was stabbed by his attacker with a broken glass and required a number of stitches. Gardaí attended the scene on the night, though no arrests were made at that point.

Mr Conlan is also appealing a judgment by the Employment Appeals Tribunal, which directed him to pay €25,000 to his former secretarial assistant, who took an unfair dismissal case.

The Monaghan-based deputy also came to public attention last year when he had a dispute with a British antiques dealer, who wrote to the Taoiseach when she could not contact the TD about a €10,000 ring.

In his letter to Fine Gael members, Mr Conlan said his "primary concern" during his time as a deputy "was to be an active and vocal representative for the people of Cavan and Monaghan and to, at all times, represent their best interests regardless of whose feathers may be ruffled along the way".

“It is a task which I have done to the best of my ability and with your support I will continue to do,” he adds.

He said that in recent months “a number of blatant and cruel attacks have been made against my character” which he believed could undermine his credibility as a “capable and able representative”.

Mr Conlan said he would not allow these issues to “prevent me from doing what I set out to do in 2011 and that is to be an honest, hardworking and fearless representative for the people of Cavan and Monaghan”.

Cavan-Monaghan's three outgoing TDs – Mr Conlan, Minister for Arts Heather Humphreys and Joe O'Reilly – are the only people contesting the convention. It is understood that party headquarters will issue a directive to allow the three TDs on to the ticket.

But future changes, such as deselecting or adding candidates, can be made by the party executive council if needed.

Cavan-Monaghan is one of a number of Fine Gael conventions taking place this week. Taoiseach Enda Kenny has said the party must be election-ready by October.

Minister for Foreign Affairs Charlie Flanagan is the only candidate before the Laois convention, which takes place on Wednesday.

The other conventions taking place this week are: Clare and Roscommon-Galway on Friday; Cork South-West on Saturday; and Cork East, Galway East and Wexford on Sunday.