Fine Gael’s Daniel Butler elected mayor of Limerick city and county

Councillor says he wants to be a mayor for ‘all of the people of Limerick’

Fine Gael’s Daniel Butler gives his inaugural speech as mayor of Limerick city and county. Photograph: Limerick City and County Council/Twitter

Fine Gael councillor Daniel Butler has been elected as the new mayor of the city and county of Limerick.

The Raheen-based councillor was elected unanimously by the 40 members of Limerick City and County Council after he was proposed and seconded by his party colleagues John Sheahan and Dan McSweeney respectively.

Speaking following his election, Mr Butler said: “Often the focus of a new mayor is to talk about economic, educational or environmental plans for Limerick and I will focus on those.

“But I want to firstly speak about who I have been elected to represent – the citizens of Limerick and their value, their culture, their stories and in these times their wellbeing.


“As we emerge from Covid my commitment is to listen, have empathy and to open my mind to new experiences. Everyone may not agree with me, but I hope they will be able to understand and accept the reasoning behind my decisions.

“I am open to constructive dialogue and I want to be a mayor for all of the people of Limerick, not just the ones who speak loudest.

“The message to every citizen, especially those who are struggling, is that I see you, I value you for who you are, you are important to me and to Limerick and that I hold you central to today’s event. I want to put first and central the citizens of Limerick and I am hugely honoured to be your mayor.”

The election of Mr Butler as mayor of Limerick may be the last such election that is based solely on votes from elected representatives. Legislation to allow for a directly elected mayor for Limerick is currently going through the Oireachtas.

Fine Gael also took the position of deputy mayor, with Cllr Tom Ruddle elected to that position.

Colin Gleeson

Colin Gleeson

Colin Gleeson is an Irish Times reporter