Fine Gael defiant: ‘We will not allow the Opposition bully us’

Fine Gael slams ‘trumped up charge’ from Opposition parties

Minister for Foreign Affairs Simon Coveney comments on the precarious situation Irish politics is in at a summit in Brussels.

The following statement was issued by the chairman of the Fine Gael Parliamentary Party, Martin Heydon on Thursday night:

The Fine Gael parliamentary party unanimously passed a motion tonight to stand firmly behind Tánaiste Frances Fitzgerald.

At a meeting in Leinster House tonight, the party heard from An Taoiseach and Fine Gael leader Leo Varadkar who said their colleague Minister Frances Fitzgerald was facing a trumped up charge from the opposition.

The meeting agreed Fine Gael does not want a General Election.


The Government has a lot of work ahead on which it needs to focus. Several Bills have yet to pass through the Oireachtas including; the Finance Bill, the FEMPI Bill and the Social Welfare Bill.

There is a major Brexit Summit scheduled for next month. Brexit is one of the biggest challenges facing the country in decades and Fine Gael is firmly focussed on this process.

Parliamentary Party Chairman Martin Heydon said after the meeting: "What we have seen from both Sinn Féin and Fianna Fáil today is a political stunt, pure and simple. We will not allow the opposition bully us.

“Sinn Féin is attempting to undermine the work of the Charleton Tribunal which was set up by the Fine Gael led Government to investigate the treatment of Maurice McCabe and get to the bottom of whether or not there was a campaign against him - the same Charleton Tribunal that the opposition agreed to in the first place.

“History shows that Fine Gael adheres to due process and has respect for natural justice. Fine Gael stands fully and united behind the Tánaiste and Minister for Enterprise and Innovation, Frances Fitzgerald,” Deputy Heydon said.