Election 2020: Michael McGrath (Fianna Fáil)

Cork South-Central – Elected on the eighth count

Michael McGrath will be on the team in any coalition-formation talks. Photograph: Garrett White/ Collins Agency

Another heavy hitter in Cork South-Central Michael McGrath (43) was the party's finance spokesman when Fine Gael was in coalition with Labour and again for the past four years.

The chartered accountant from Carrigaline is a low-key, calm and effective spokesman and after such a long time doing the job in opposition, will be keen to have the role in government. A constituency rival and colleague of his party leader and seen as a potential successor, he is popular with his colleagues and has a well-oiled constituency organisation.

He will be on the team in any coalition-formation talks.

An assured Dáil and media performer, he is seen as having a forensic eye for detail. While sharply critical of Government mistakes, unlike some party colleagues he does not engage in political mudslinging.


In the last Dáil he introduced or played a key role in a number of private member’s Bills and motions in the financial arena. He is married to Sarah O’Brien and they have seven children.

Marie O'Halloran

Marie O'Halloran

Marie O'Halloran is Parliamentary Correspondent of The Irish Times