East Antrim: McMullan (SF) and Ross (DUP) retain seats

No change in constituency with three DUP, one UUP, one SF and one Alliance Party MLA

EAST ANTRIM CANDIDATES: Roy Beggs (UUP); Stewart Dickson (Alliance); Danny Donnelly (Alliance); David Hilditch (DUP); Noel Jordan (Ukip); Gordon Lyons (DUP); Jim McCaw (PUP); Margaret Anne McKillop (SDLP); Oliver McMullan (Sinn Féin); Maureen Morrow (UUP); Dawn Patterson (Greens); Alastair Ross (DUP); Conor Sheridan (Labour Alternative); John Stewart (UUP); Ruth Wilson (TUV).

Sinn Féin's Oliver McMullan has described his victory in East Antrim as "a ringing endorsement" of his party's policies.

The man from the Glens of Antrim, who won the seat in 2011, was elected below quota after 12 stages of counting.

“This is a ringing endorsement of the Sinn Féin policy. In 2011 we had to fight for the seat and in 2016 we’re still fighting for it and we’ve got it again,” he said.

Also elected below quota on the 12th count was the DUP's Alastair Ross.


"We are delighted that we have secured three seats. We always knew it was going to be tight for the last two seats, but we thank the electorate for coming out and endorsing what I think is a positive vision from the Democratic Unionist Party, " he commented.

The result means it's as you were in East Antrim, with David Hilditch, Gordon Lyons, Alastair Ross (all DUP), Roy Beggs (UUP), Stewart Dickson (Alliance) and Oliver McMullan (SF) all retaining their seats.