Brexit debate sees divisions among Dail’s radical Left

Vote hailed as revolt against EU plutocrats seen by fellow TD as victory for ultra right

Radical left-wing TDs in the Dail differed yesterday in their interpretation of the British referendum result, mirroring wider debates that have sprung up in many leftist groups.

TDs from the Anti-Austerity Alliance-People before Profit group welcomed the result, declaring it a victory for the working class and a defeat for the "neo-liberal" European Union.

Describing the EU as "a capitalist club of the 1 per cent", AAA TD Ruth Coppinger said the referendum result represented "a backlash, a working-class revolt, by those who do not, and have not, benefited from EU or British capitalism in recent years or for decades."

Her comments were echoed by People Before Profit TD Richard Boyd-Barrett. “The suggestion that those who supported Remain were a bunch of progressive, peace-loving people in favour of equality and fairness is nonsense,” he said. “The official financiers of the Remain campaign in Britain were Goldman Sachs, Citigroup, Morgan Stanley and the hedge funds of the City of London.”


However, Independents 4 Change TD Joan Collins said that if she had a vote, "I would have voted to remain in Europe. I believe this result . . . is a setback for working people and a victory for the forces of the ultra-right in the UK and Europe as a whole."

Pat Leahy

Pat Leahy

Pat Leahy is Political Editor of The Irish Times