Applications for Irish passports in US up slightly in 2016

New York sees most requests, then San Francisco, Boston, Chicago and Washington DC

Applications for Irish passports made to missions in the US were up slightly this year. File photograph: Getty Images

The number of applications for Irish passports made to missions in the United States was up slightly in the wake of Donald Trump’s election, according to the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade.

There was a total of 1,691 such applications from November 10th to the middle of December, as against 1,452 in the same period in 2015.

In percentage terms, the number of new applications was up by a greater amount (36 per cent) than was the case with renewal applications (8 per cent). There were 1,112 renewal applications and 579 first-time applications.

New York saw the largest number of applications (711), followed by San Francisco (408), Boston (271), Chicago (183) and Washington DC (118).


Asked about the reason for the increases, the Irish embassy said the Passport Service did not request information as to the reasons why people apply for passports.

Colm Keena

Colm Keena

Colm Keena is an Irish Times journalist. He was previously legal-affairs correspondent and public-affairs correspondent