Police linked to killing of Franciscan

FRESH evidence has emerged which points to police collusion in the killing of the Irish Franciscan Brother Larry Timmons.

FRESH evidence has emerged which points to police collusion in the killing of the Irish Franciscan Brother Larry Timmons.

There is also evidence of irregularities in the investigation of the murder of Brother Timmons, who was killed by police bullets after robbers broke into his home in Lure, Kenya, 10 days ago.

Those who witnessed the killing believe a local police officer who, allegedly fired the shots was drunk at the time. "He just went into a frenzy and started shooting," said one witness.

The administrator of the local Catholic diocese of Nakuru has claimed that police officers were seen drinking at a local bar with "known criminals" earlier on the day of the murder. Father Moses Muraya said the officers fraud talked of "a mission" they wanted to accomplish that night.


Brother Timmons died early on the morning of January 22nd, just one day after confronting the local authorities with allegations of corruption. Officials were seeking bribes for issuing identity cards and were refusing to issue the cards in some areas, he alleged.

Sources described the murder investigation as "cursory", with little or no attempt to take fingerprints. Although at least 15 men were involved in the robbery, in which a [night watchman was also killed, none of the raiders has been arrested.

A policeman charged this week with Brother Timmons's murder was present at meetings between him and local officials and politicians the day before the murder. The dead brother's corruption allegations are detailed in two reports he sent to the Catholic authorities.

Only two days before the killing, an Irish Kiltegan missionary, Father Conor Moloney, was badly beaten in a robbery at nearby Kiamain.

Paul Cullen

Paul Cullen

Paul Cullen is a former heath editor of The Irish Times.