Planning approved for Dun Laoghaire marina

Dun Laoghaire-Rathdown County Council has decided to grant planning permission for a £10 million to £12 million marina project…

Dun Laoghaire-Rathdown County Council has decided to grant planning permission for a £10 million to £12 million marina project at Dun Laoghaire Harbour, Co Dublin. However, the former Minister of State for the Marine and current Democratic Left TD for the borough, Mr Eamon Gilmore, has expressed his opposition to the project approved by the county council.

The plan reneges on promises made to facilitate smaller boat owners and harbour users and will "squeeze them out", Mr Gilmore has warned.

The proposed use of Traders Wharf in the harbour as a car-park is also "totally unacceptable", Mr Gilmore has said.

An Taisce, which has expressed concern about the impact of car-parking and traffic, has said it is studying the permission with a view to a possible appeal to An Bord Pleanala.


The 680-berth marina, which will be the State's largest if built, will incorporate two breakwaters between the West Pier and ferry terminal, marina service buildings, an amenity area, a boat hoist and slipway improvements.

Currently the harbour accommodates fewer than 600 moorings, some 300 of which are controlled by yacht clubs. The State-backed project promises to increase substantially accommodation for vessels.

The permission stipulates that some 290 new car-parking spaces will be provided at the former Coastguard station, the Coal Harbour and the Green, at Trader's Wharf and on the Old Pier.

After the planning application was lodged last year, the local authority sought additional information from Dun Laoghaire Harbour Company in relation to car-parking and traffic. This additional information yielded "little of substance that was new", according to An Taisce, which has said its objection remains if these factors have not been resolved satisfactorily.

Mr Gilmore said he was in favour of a marina, but not at the expense of the smaller harbour users.

Lorna Siggins

Lorna Siggins

Lorna Siggins is the former western and marine correspondent of The Irish Times