Mixed feelings for pupils disrupted by fire

Whether the mood was of elation or resignation, the students in St Laurence College in Loughlinstown, Co Dublin, were relieved…

Whether the mood was of elation or resignation, the students in St Laurence College in Loughlinstown, Co Dublin, were relieved to get their results yesterday.

Students who sat the Leaving Cert geography paper were particularly anxious receiving their results, following a disruption of their exam in June.

A fire broke out in the school on June 11th and students were evacuated minutes into their geography paper. The exam was rescheduled for the following Saturday, but some students were upset by the disruption. Over 100 students took geography and many were repeat students seeking to improve their points.

"I was happy enough with my results overall but I was disappointed with the geography," repeat student Cormac O'Brien said. "I think the paper we sat on the Saturday was more difficult than the first one, the whole thing was very disruptive."


First-time Leaving Cert student Patrick Kelly said the disruption was "very stressful", although he was reasonably happy to get a C3. "We were there for about 10 minutes, so I got to read the whole paper and I think it seemed better than the second one," he said.

However, some students were happier with the replacement paper. "I was delighted with my C3 in geography and I don't think I would have done as well on the first paper," Shane McDermot, who hopes to study business and German in DIT said. "The points were 380 last year and I got 390 points, so I think I should get it. I got a B1 in German and I was very happy with that."

Vice-principal Ms Anne McCarry said the school worked closely with the students in the days leading up to the rescheduled geography paper. "We were hugely supported by the Department of Education who quickly appreciated and foresaw the problems students might experience. They showed nothing short of absolute concern and their response was swift and considerate," she said.

The highest marks in St Laurence went to repeat student Kathy Rock who got 590 points. Ms Rock hopes to study medicine in UCD and her six As should secure her a place.

"Medicine in UCD has been my dream forever." Clutching her results, she said: "I love this piece of paper and I love this place. I'm in shock but I'm so thrilled."

ireland.com - The Irish Times

A recording of the Web seminar with Emmet Oliver, Education Correspondent, and guidance counsellor Vivian Cassells examining students' college options is available from the Irish Times website at www.ireland.com

Does the Leaving Cert adequately assess the abilities of the students sitting the exams? The result appears on the Irish Times Breaking News website at www.ireland.com

Olivia Kelly

Olivia Kelly

Olivia Kelly is Dublin Editor of The Irish Times