Minister promises new seafood strategy

Minister for the Marine Noel Dempsey has agreed to commission a "comprehensive strategy" for seafood which will address problems…

Minister for the Marine Noel Dempsey has agreed to commission a "comprehensive strategy" for seafood which will address problems in the fishing industry.

The move has been welcomed by the main seafood and fishing organisations which held their first meeting yesterday with Mr Dempsey since he was appointed to the marine department over two years ago.

Relations between the industry and the Minister had been particularly strained during the recent controversy over the Sea Fisheries and Maritime Jurisdiction Bill. The Garda and sea fisheries officers are to take part in a joint training programme in Howth, Co Dublin, today and tomorrow on law enforcement in the sector.

Mr Dempsey said yesterday that the "active involvement" of the industry and coastal communities was "absolutely essential" to ensure that a "workable and effective plan" could be put together quickly.


The Minister and junior partner John Browne have given a September deadline for preparation of the strategy, which will "outline a path for the development of a sustainable profitable future for the sector".

An "independent leader" of a "strategy team" will be appointed, and regional meetings will canvass opinion.

"Key difficulties being faced by the industry include in particular the adverse impacts of a decline in certain fish stocks as well as higher fuel costs," the two Ministers said after the meeting in Dublin.

The six industry members present represented the Irish South and West Fishermen's Organisation (IS&WFO), Irish Fish Producers' Organisation (IFPO), Killybegs Fishermen's Organisation (KFO), Irish South and East Fishermen's Organisation (IS&EFO), Irish Fishermen's Organisation (IFO) and the Irish Fish Processors and Exporters' Association (IFPEA).

Jason Whooley of the IS&WFO said the Minister had given a commitment to get back to the industry within the next 10 days on the crucial issue of fuel price.

"We pointed out that relief programmes are in place in other EU states, and the European Commission has recently come up with a package of assistance measures."

Fine Gael's marine spokesman John Perry has promised to amend the Sea Fisheries and Maritime Jurisdiction Bill if Fine Gael forms the next government.

Lorna Siggins

Lorna Siggins

Lorna Siggins is the former western and marine correspondent of The Irish Times