Meningitis outbreak at UCD event

UCD permitted the world student debating championships to proceed in spite of an outbreak of meningitis among those participating…

UCD permitted the world student debating championships to proceed in spite of an outbreak of meningitis among those participating.

A college spokeswoman said it had received medical advice that it was safe to continue with the event.

Three cases of viral meningitis have been reported among the 1,000 students taking part in the competition in recent days.

One debater was brought to hospital on Sunday after contracting the disease, but was discharged shortly after. Two others were treated by a local GP.


"Everything is fine now, and there has been no interruption to the event itself," the college spokeswoman said. She stressed that the outbreak was of the milder, viral form of meningitis, rather than bacterial meningitis.

Viral meningitis is the more common of the two forms of the disease and is rarely fatal. At least one student attending the event yesterday wore a mask. The spokeswoman said this did not form part of the medical advice received by the college.

Apart from the debating championship, the Belfield campus is closed for the Christmas holidays.

Paul Cullen

Paul Cullen

Paul Cullen is a former heath editor of The Irish Times.