'Late Late' to offer platform for new bands

The Late Late Show has invited unknown acts to perform on the programme as part of an initiative to encourage new Irish music…

The Late Late Show has invited unknown acts to perform on the programme as part of an initiative to encourage new Irish music.

The producers have asked interested acts to send in a YouTube link of one song and a blurb for consideration.

Late Late Show music supervisor Dermot McEvoy said he hoped the platform would be a success as it had been for Cavan band The Strypes, who were signed to Universal after their debut appearance.

Each act will be chosen on merit. “I don’t want to have an act that might blow it in front of 600,000 to 700,000 people,” he said. “ They have to have earned their stripes by doing gigs around the country, but they don’t have to have a record deal or a manager.”


For information, contact thelatelateshowcase@rte.ie

Ronan McGreevy

Ronan McGreevy

Ronan McGreevy is a news reporter with The Irish Times