Killeen sought release of murderer in 2003

Minister of State, Tony Killeen, confirmed last night he sought the release from prison of a convicted murderer in 2003

Minister of State, Tony Killeen, confirmed last night he sought the release from prison of a convicted murderer in 2003. This follows the revelation last week that he had sought the early release of convicted sex offender, Joseph Nugent, on two separate occasions in 2005.

Mr Killeen told The Irish Timesthat in both cases the representations were made without his consent by constituency staff and he would not have approved of them if he were aware. He said he is putting in train a new system in his constituency office where he will personally deal with any letters requesting representation in relation to prison release.

It emerged yesterday a letter dated August 2003 from Mr Killeen's office asked for the early release of a convicted murderer, who was not named. The letter stated: "all in all, he has done 11 years in prison and the governor is recommending that he be released, I would be obliged if you could arrange to have it expedited as soon as possible". A further letter was sent in April 2005. Mr Killeen said that he didn't have sight of either letter.

In response to the initial plea for release from Mr Killeen's constituency office, Minister for Justice Michael McDowell states: "On account of the seriousness of the crime for which he was convicted and bearing in mind the length of time spent in custody, I decided that I was not prepared to approve temporary release for the man at this time."


In response to the second letter sent in July 2005 Mr McDowell said the prisoner had not made sufficient progress to warrant a resumption of his temporary release programme.

Meanwhile, The Irish Timesreceived more detail yesterday in relation to the case of convicted sex offender Joseph Nugent. A letter released under the Freedom of Information Act shows that Mr Killeen's office made an appeal for early release on grounds of his bad health in May 2005. A further representation was made in September 2005 seeking an update on the request for Nugent's release.

The initial letter states: "I wish to make strong representations on behalf of Joseph Nugent who is a prisoner at Portlaoise Prison since 2002. He is aged 73 and his family are worried about him as he was assaulted in prison recently. I would be obliged if you could consider releasing him on the grounds of his age, bad health and fear for his life." Both letters are signed by a member of Mr Killeen's constituency staff.

Gordon Deegan

Gordon Deegan

Gordon Deegan is a contributor to The Irish Times