Why it’s time for men to stand up and call for an end to violence against women

In the News podcast: Why it’s time for a total change of mindset on how we end male violence against women

Floral tributes and candles are left after a vigil outside the London Irish Centre in Camden in memory of Ashling Murphy. Photograph: Dominic Lipinski/PA Wire

Last Wednesday afternoon, 23-year-old Ashling Murphy went for a run along the canal pathway just outside the town of Tullamore in Co Offaly. At around 4pm, the primary school teacher was attacked and killed.

Her death led to an outpouring of grief and anger across the nation with calls for men to stand up and call out the abuse and harassment of women.

On Friday, thousands gathered in towns and cities across Ireland for candlelit vigils to pay tribute to the young musician and teacher. Meanwhile, countless women recalled online the anger, fear and frustration they feel about the harassment and abuse they suffer at the hands of men.

“We don’t want to keep telling our stories, we have told our stories,” Irish Times journalist Jennifer O’Connell told the podcast. “I think we have no stories left. I think it is over to men now. Men need to start being brave about this.


“I think women have been completely united in our response and our reaction. It isn’t just about shock and horror, it’s actually about anger and a demand for change and action. And a demand for good men to stand up and be counted.”

Today: how do we end male violence against women? Irish Times journalists Jennifer O’Connell and Malachy Clerkin on why it’s time for a total change of mindset.

In the News is presented by reporters Sorcha Pollak and Conor Pope.

Listen to the podcast here:


Sorcha Pollak

Sorcha Pollak

Sorcha Pollak is an Irish Times reporter specialising in immigration issues and cohost of the In the News podcast