Two men have died in a house fire that broke out on Saturday afternoon in Drimnagh, south Dublin.
Shortly after 1pm emergency services were called to the house at Lansdowne Valley.
Four units of Dublin Fire Brigade and a number of Garda cars attended the scene.
Officers broke down the door of the home, and it is understood initial unsuccessful attempts were made to resuscitate one of the men by paramedics.

By 3pm, detectives were on site to inspect the scene, which had been cordoned off, at the end of a narrow cul-de-sac.
It is understood one man living in the home, and another individual, were killed in the fire. The men were believed to be aged in their late 60 and early 70s.
The small cottage was a family home the elderly man had moved into in recent years, one neighbour said. Previously he had lived elsewhere in south west Dublin.
Described as a “lovely quiet man” by neighbours, locals said the news of the deaths were “shocking.”
“It’s horrible, particularly with everything else going on”, one local woman said.
At 4pm one of the bodies was removed from the home.
Investigating gardaí have not yet established the cause of the fire, sources said.
In a statement a Garda spokesman said “Results of the post-mortems and a technical examination of the scene will determine the course of the Garda investigation.”