Revenue Local Property Tax website crashes one day before deadline

Homeowners are obliged to submit return based on value of property on November 1st

The error message that was displayed on the Revenue’s Local Property Tax website on Tuesday.

The Revenue website for dealing with Local Property Tax valuations crashed for a number of hours Tuesday, one day before the extended deadline for registering all properties for the tax.

Homeowners had been given a reprieve on a deadline for returning their local property tax valuation from November 7th until 5pm on tomorrow, Wednesday November 10th.

Homeowners are obliged to submit a return on the basis of the value of their home as of November 1st.

The Revenue's Local Property Tax website went offline around 11 am on Tuesday but appeared to have been restored as of 2pm.


A notice posted on the Local Property Tax page during the outage said “Revenue online services are currently unavailable”.

Customers were advised to try again later or contact or phone (01) 738 3699

As of last Thursday, returns had been filed for an estimated 54 per cent of properties, with the owners of more than a million properties having either filed returns (964,600) or otherwise engaged with Revenue to meet their obligations.

Revenue was contacted for a comment on the level of engagement and a response is expected.

Tim O'Brien

Tim O'Brien

Tim O'Brien is an Irish Times journalist