Minister pays tribute to Defence Forces at Cobh ceremony

Navy, army and air corps personnel recognised for work in Mediterranean and West Africa

Minister with Responsibility for Defence, Paul Kehoe, TD with guard of honour from LE Niamh.Photograph: Dara Mac Dónaill / The Irish Times

Minister of State for Defence Paul Kehoe has paid tribute to the men and women of the Defence Forces today when he presented some 70 personnel from the Navy, Army and Air Corps with medals in recognition of their humanitarian work on the Mediterranean and in West Africa.

Members of the Naval Service who were involved in Operation Pontus rescuing migrants in the Mediterranean were joined for the ceremony in Cobh by army and Air Corps personnel involved in Operation Gritrock in Sierra Leone where they helped combat the spread of the ebola virus in 2015.

Presenting the Defence Forces Operational Service Medal to the 70 recipients, Mr Kehoe said that they had shown great commitment and professionalism and were a credit to Defence Forces and to Ireland for the manner in which they had carried out their duties.

“This is a significant day for the recipients of the medal because of humanitarian work they have done in the Mediterranean during their deployment there and also for people who were involved in the ebola crisis in West Africa, “Mr Kehoe told Cork’s 96FM.


Among those receiving medals were 57 crew members from the LE Niamh which, under the command of Lt Commander Daniel Wall, rescued 4,127 people, delivered a baby called Destiny and recovered the bodies of 39 migrant during their ten week deployment in 2015.

Operation Pontus began in May 2015 with the deployment of the LE Eithne which was followed by the LE Niamh, the LE Samuel Beckett, the LE Roisin and the LE James Joyce with the LE Samuel Beckett currently on its second deployment to the Mediterranean.

Just yesterday, the LE Samuel Beckett rescued 220 people to bring to 14,754 the number of refugees and migrants rescued by Irish Naval ships working in conjunction with the Italian Coast Guard since the commencement of Operation Pontus.

Joining Mr Kehoe at today's ceremony at the Deep Water Quay in Cobh was Chief of Staff of the Defence Forces, Rear Admiral Mark Mellet and Commodore Hugh Tully, Flag Officer Commanding the Naval Service as well as families and friends of the medal recipients.

Barry Roche

Barry Roche

Barry Roche is Southern Correspondent of The Irish Times