Man to be tried over alleged comments about Jews

Dutch national refused to engage with psychiatrist for evaluation, court hears

Smael Heirouche (39) appeared before Cork District Court on a charge of making threats to kill or cause serious harm to a named individual at an address at James Street in Cork city centre.

A man who allegedly threatened to behead Jewish people is to be sent forward for trial at circuit court level on a charge of making threats to kill or cause serious harm.

Smael Heirouche (39) appeared before Cork District Court on a charge of making threats to kill or cause serious harm to a named individual at an address at James Street in Cork city centre on November 14th, 2016, contrary to section five of the Non-Fatal Offences Against the Person Act 1997.

Insp Mary King said the DPP had directed trial by indictment and she applied for an adjournment until February 16th for preparation and service of the book of evidence against Mr Heirouche, who has been refused bail by the High Court. Judge Olann Kelleher granted the application.

Judge Kelleher had previously been told that Mr Heirouche, a Dutch citizen, had refused to co-operate with a psychiatrist in undergoing an evaluation while on remand but he did not appear to be suffering from any psychiatric condition.


When Mr Heirouche was first charged, Det Garda Geraldine Daly gave evidence of arrest, charge and caution and told the court that she arrested him at the Bridewell Garda station on November 16th last after receiving statements of complaints from two French nationals.

The two French nationals were living at a rented property with Mr Heirouche at James Street and they alleged in their statements that his attitude towards them changed on November 14th when his behaviour became highly erratic.

Det Garda Daly told the first hearing the two complainants would allege that Mr Heirouche called them Zionists and that he began quoting the Koran. When they informed him that they were not Muslim, it is alleged he said “Zionists should have their throats cut”.

Terrorist attacks

"He was quoting the Koran. They did not have the same belief. He did not take kindly to this. He made reference to recent terrorist attacks in France. He said it was excellent and it gave him great joy," said Det Garda Daly, adding that one of the complainants recorded events on his phone.

One of the complainants told gardaí that Mr Heirouche rubbed his hand against the complainant’s throat, while wearing long black robes and carrying the Koran. “He believed Mr Heirouche was going to kill him,” she added.

Det Garda Daly said Mr Heirouche claimed he was making the threat in the name of Islamic extremism and she alleged that, during interviews, he stated that if he had a sword he would cut the heads off Jews.

During interview, Mr Heirouche told gardaí that anything he may have said to the two French people was as a messenger of the Lord, said Det Garda Daly, adding that gardaí believed he would abscond if granted bail as he had flights booked to London and Marrakesh.

Barry Roche

Barry Roche

Barry Roche is Southern Correspondent of The Irish Times