Can I travel outside my county?
You are advised to stay inside your county unless you have to travel for work, educational or other essential purposes.
Can I have any visitors to my home?
You can have a maximum of six visitors from one other household only. No social or family gatherings should take place in other settings.

Hospital Report
Are organised indoor or outdoor gatherings allowed to take place such as conferences, events in theatres or other arts events?
No organised indoor gatherings should take place. Outdoor gatherings of up to 15 people can take place.
Museums, galleries and other cultural attractions all close under Level 3 while libraries will be available for e-services and call and collect.
Outdoor playgrounds, play areas and parks will remain open.
What about weddings?
Up to 25 people can attend a wedding ceremony and reception.
What happens to Mass and funerals?
Religious services will be held online. Places of worship remain open for private prayer. In terms of funerals, up to 25 mourners can attend.
Can sport still take place?
Outdoor non-contact training only in pods of up to 15 can take place. In terms of indoors, individual training only is allowed with no exercise or dance classes to happen.
No matches or sports events are to take place. Again, there is an exemption for professional/elite/inter-county/horse-racing which can take place behind closed doors.
Can gyms stay open?
Gyms, leisure centres and swimming pools can remain open provided they have the necessary protective measures and for individual training only.
What about pubs and restaurants?
Under Level 3 measures wet pubs, restaurants, cafes and bars serving food can remain open for take-away, delivery, and outdoor dining/services to a maximum of 15 people. Wet pubs in Dublin remain closed. Nightclubs, discos and casinos remain closed under Level 3.
What about hotels and similar accommodation?
They can remain open but services are to be limited to residents.
Are retail outlets and hairdressers/barbers staying open?
Face coverings must continue to be worn when entering retail outlets, shopping centres, etc. They along with hairdressers, barbers and beauticians can remain open as long as the necessary protective measures are in place.
Is the advice to still work from home?
Yes, under Level 3 the advice is to "work from home unless absolutely necessary to attend in person".
Will schools and crèches remain open?
Schools and crèches remain open with protective measures in place.
Do over-70s or medically vulnerable people have to cocoon?
Those aged 70 years and over and the medically vulnerable are advised to "exercise judgement" regarding the extent to which they engage with others and in activities outside the home.
Can I visit a relative in a nursing home?
Visits to long-term residential care facilities are suspended under Level 3 aside from "critical and compassionate circumstances".
What about public transport?
Face coverings must continue to be worn on public transport. People are advised to walk or cycle where possible. Public transport capacity will be limited to 50 per cent.
People are also advised to wear face masks outdoors on busy streets as well as in places of worship and inside crowded workplaces.