An 11-year-old Labrador called Oscar has been adopted from Dogs Trust after eight years waiting for a new home, the animal rescue charity has said.
Cheryl Monaghan, one of the Dogs Trust canine carers who looked after Oscar, said the black Labrador had become a favourite at the rehoming charity over the years.
“As a carer you try not to get too attached to a dog because you hope before long they will find their forever home,” she said.
“Each year would pass, and Oscar would still be overlooked for being too strong, too big, and then sadly, too old,” she said.
Last year Ms Monaghan said the rescue charity wrote a letter to “Santa Paws” on Oscar’s behalf, asking for a new owner to adopt him.

This Christmas the wish came true in the form of Brian Lahiff, who recently adopted Oscar, after his own dog died.
“After losing my dog, and best friend Jake, I knew I wanted to give another dog a second chance at happiness,” he said.
“I chose Oscar for one reason, and one reason only, Oscar had spent eight years waiting to be adopted. He deserved a chance to spend his final years on the outside looking in, rather than the inside looking out,” Mr Lahiff said.
“Although I was broken-hearted when Jake passed, I knew he would like me to adopt one of his buddies in Dogs Trust and give another dog a taste of the happy life that he and I spent together,” he said. His last dog Jake had also been a rescue dog adopted from Dogs Trust.
Mr Lahiff visited the Dogs Trust centre every day for a number of weeks to build up a bond with Oscar before taking him to his new home.
“You might think adopting a long-term dog like Oscar is a big commitment, but it’s one of the most rewarding experiences you could ever hope to have,” he said.
“This Christmas is an extra special one for both Oscar and me. It’s our first one together so I’ll make sure to make up for the Christmases he missed in a home,” Mr Lahiff said.