Irish student in critical condition in US after alleged attack

Evan White is receiving treatment in San Diego after being found unconscious in an alley

An Irish student is receiving treatment in a San Diego hospital after he was allegedly attacked following a night out. File photograph: Getty Images/Flickr RF

Detectives will attempt to speak to an Irish J1 student who was left unconscious following an alleged attack in San Diego.

Evan White, a student from Farran Co Cork was found unconscious in an alley in the early hours of Friday morning and was taken to Scripps Memorial Hospital La Jolla.

He was unconscious when officers arrived to take his statement and his condition remains critical.

A spokesman for San Diego police said it is unknown what caused the injuries since there wasn’t any witnesses and officers had not had the opportunity to speak with Mr White.


A detective is going to try to speak with him on Wednesday to get his statement.

The alleged incident occurred in the Pacific Beach area of San Diego, which is popular with Irish J-1 students.