Indian summer on the way - but after the weekend

Temperatures are set to reach 20 degrees during a period of warm, settled weather

Summer in St Stephen’s Green, Dublin. Photograph: Brenda Fitzsimons

An Indian summer is on the way but is unlikely to arrive in time for the Electric Picnic and All-Ireland football final this weekend.

Met Éireann is forecasting high pressure will dominate the weather next week, bringing dry weather and progressively warmer temperatures through the second half of the week.

Forecaster Liz Walsh said patterns in the upper air atmosphere are showing that "high pressure is likely to stick around" once it arrives.

In the meantime, the forecast for the weekend is for it be warmer than of late with a few scattered showers. Temperatures over the weekend will be between 19 and 21 degrees.


“Friday, Saturday and Sunday will feel a bit milder,” explained Met Éireann forecaster Liz Walsh. “It won’t be completely dry for the Electric Picnic. It will be a mixed bag. The driest day will be Saturday. There will be patchy rain and drizzle around on Friday.

"Sunday will be mostly dry witha few bright spells with rain moving in into the evening across Stradbally.

“For campers at the Electric Picnic, the nights will be OK. They won’t be too cold.”

Patchy drizzle is forecast across the country on Friday. It will be cloudy on Saturday but Sunday will be a brighter day to begin.

However rain is forecast to cross the country on Sunday though it should arrive after the All-Ireland final.

Ms Walsh said the settled weather will begin on Monday, and temperatures will reach a respectable 20 degrees for the time of year towards the end of next week.

She said the nights will feel cold as it is autumn time.

Ronan McGreevy

Ronan McGreevy

Ronan McGreevy is a news reporter with The Irish Times