Have you seen Google streetview cars in Dublin today?

Vehicles operating in the capital today, firm tight-lipped on how often it updates maps

A Google streetview camera car similar to that operating in Dublin today.

Google streetview car images have caught many of the public in compromising situations before so be warned- they have been spotted operating in Dublin today.

The internet giant has specially adapted vehicles to take 360 degrees panoramic views at a height of 2.5-3m.

Overlapping photographs are taken and “stitched” together to provide a searchable view-type image.

When Streetview was first launched in the US in 2007, several computers were packed into the back of a vehicle and cameras, laser and a GPS device was stuck on top.


The service first recorded street views of Ireland in 2010.

A spokeswoman for Google confirmed streetview cars were out and about snapping new images for their maps today in Dublin.

“We aim to keep our imagery as fresh and up to date as possible, which improves the usefulness and accuracy of our maps.”

However, the company would not say how often they update their maps which now cover more than 3000 cities.

On each of these vehicles there are nine directional cameras for 360 degree panoramic views at a height of less than 3 meters.

Have you seen Google streetview cars in Dublin today? If so let us know and send images of them to news@irishtimes.com.

Rachel Flaherty

Rachel Flaherty

Rachel Flaherty is Digital Features Editor and journalist with The Irish Times