Gardaí release two men arrested over Fermoy death

Ludovit Pasztor died after being struck with bar during fight at truck stop in Co Cork

The incident happened at the truck-parking area at the Amber filling station on the Dublin Road, Fermoy, Co Cork. Photograph: Barry Roche

Gardaí investigating a fatal assault in Fermoy, Co Cork, have freed two men being questioned over the incident without charge.

Gardaí released a man (43) being held in Mallow Garda station just before 2pm on Thursday while a second man (29) who was being detained in Fermoy Garda station, was released shortly before 4pm.

Gardaí are to prepare a file for the DPP in relation to the matter.

Both men, who are Polish nationals and work for a haulage company, were arrested for assaulting Slovakian Ludovit Pasztor (40).


Mr Pasztor lived with his wife and two daughters, aged 15 and 11, at Glencullen on the Duntaheen Road in Fermoy.

He was pronounced dead at the truck stop at the rear of the Amber filling station on the Dublin Road at about 10.30pm on Tuesday night after he and a Polish friend became involved in a fight.

Mr Pasztor and his friend left the scene but returned some 20 minutes later armed with a metal bar. The weapon was taken from them during the fight and used to attack Mr Pasztor who received a single fatal blow to the head.

Barry Roche

Barry Roche

Barry Roche is Southern Correspondent of The Irish Times