Garda fined €10,800 for being in breach of discipline

Number of gardaí disciplined internally in 2017 less than 1% of 13,551-strong force

Twelve of the top 15 monetary penalties imposed on Garda members in 2017 related to “neglect of duty” with fines ranging from €10,800 to €950. Photograph: Alan Betson

One member of An Garda Síochána was fined €10,800 last year for "discreditable conduct, neglect of duty and falsehood/prevarication".

The fine was the largest imposed on a member of the force in 2017 when 148 gardaí were reprimanded by their superiors after being found to be in breach of internal Garda discipline.

In 2017, these members received a combination of monetary sanctions, cautions, warnings and reprimands and the total monetary penalty imposed on members was €51,069.

The cumulative fines imposed represent a 26 per cent increase on the €40,565 monetary penalties imposed in 2016 when 130 members were to be found in breach of Garda discipline.


In 2015, the cumulative amount imposed in financial penalties on gardaí who breached discipline totalled €71,934.

Since 2012, a total of €367,365 has been imposed in fines on gardaí who breached internal ‘discipline.

‘Discreditable conduct’

In relation to the highest penalty of €10,800 imposed in 2017, the member had to pay the penalty due to “discreditable conduct, neglect of duty and falsehood/prevarication”.

The fines are imposed by way of docking pay to the gardaí involved.

Details released in response to a Freedom of Information request show in 2017 two members were fined for “neglect of duty”, €5,268 in one case and €3,600 in the other.

Twelve of the top 15 monetary penalties imposed on members in 2017 related to “neglect of duty” with fines ranging from €10,800 to €950.

One member was also fined €1,500 for discourtesy.

Separately, there are currently 35 members of the gardaí on long-term suspensions from the force including two members suspended for periods of between six and 10 years.

Suspension terms

Of the 35 total, eight are suspended for between three and six years with the remaining 25 suspended for periods of up to three years.

On the reasons why members may be suspended for three years and more, the Garda FoI unit stated this includes the fact that some of the members are still subject of criminal proceedings before the courts whether by way of awaiting trial or awaiting an appeal before the courts.

One member of the force was dismissed in 2017.

The number of gardaí disciplined internally last year represents a tiny fraction – or less than 1 per cent – of the 13,551 gardaí of all ranks employed at the end of 2017.

The Garda doesn’t comment on disciplinary issues and this is provided for by statute.

Gordon Deegan

Gordon Deegan

Gordon Deegan is a contributor to The Irish Times