Five things you need to know today

US preclearance; Trump’s latest selection; reviving Dublin; Waterford Hospital; Apple

A protest against US president Donald Trump and his recent immigration and refugee restrictions, in Hong Kong on February 1, 2017. Photograph: Anthony Wallace/AFP/Getty Images

1. State admits lack of control over US preclearance at airports

Less than a day after the Taoiseach promised a “complete review” of US immigration facilities at Irish airports, the Government has conceded it has no power over how they operate.

The review was promised by Enda Kenny in response to US president Donald Trump's order temporarily banning travellers from seven Muslim countries and refugees worldwide. in new window ]

2. Trump picks conservative Neil Gorsuch for Supreme Court


US president Donald Trump has nominated judge Neil Gorsuch to the Supreme Court, elevating a conservative in the mold of justice Antonin Scalia to succeed the late jurist and starting a partisan showdown at the start of his presidency over the ideological bent of the nation's highest court.

Mr Trump announced his selection during a much-anticipated ceremony that unfolded in prime time in the White House on Tuesday night. in new window ]

3. Government wants multinationals to help revive inner city Dublin

A Government taskforce is to ask multinational firms to provide jobs or sponsor third-level education for young people in Dublin’s northeast inner city.

The taskforce was set up by the Taoiseach Enda Kenny in the wake of a number of gangland murders earlier last year. in new window ]

4. Campaigners consider Dáil bid over Waterford cardiac care

Hospital campaigners in Waterford say they are seriously considering running a candidate in the next general election over the failure of the Government to improve cardiac services.

Three campaign groups in the city say they aim to step up the political pressure, particularly on Fine Gael and Fianna Fáil, in support of a long-running campaign for 24/7 services for patients with heart disease. in new window ]

5. Vestager says Ireland owed almost all the €13 billion of Apple back-taxes

European competition commissioner Margrethe Vestager has said she believes Apple owes Ireland virtually all of the €13 billion of back-taxes the EU has ruled the Government must collect from the iPhone maker, even if other European countries may lay claim to some of the amount.

Ms Vestager had said previously that other European countries may seek a slice of the EU’s largest ever state-aid ruling, issued in August. in new window ]