Bang! And Barry Scott is gone

The TV name for Cillit Bang has been replaced by a younger model

Bang! And the stain is gone,’was Scott’s cathphrase but it is him and not the stain that is gone now. Image: Youtube/CillitBang

CONOR POPE, Consumer Affairs Correspondent

The world of kitchen cleaning has been left reeling after it was confirmed that Barry Scott has been dumped by Cillit Bang in favour of younger model who has danced on stage with Madonna.

“Bang! And the dirt is gone,” was Scott’s cathphrase but it is him and not the stain that is gone now.

Scott who made his name BY SHOUTING REALLY LOUDLY at television camera as he extolled the virtues of the cleaning product started to be phased out of the Cillit Bang’s ad roster earlier this year but news that he would not be returning has only just emerged.


Barry Scott is not actually a real person. The role - such as it is - has been played by actor Neil Burgess since 2005 when he first starting shouting at people .

Prior to his star turn as the angriest man in the kitchen, bathroom and garden shed Mr Burgess appeared as Male Paramedic Number One in Waking the Dead and Removals Man in Life Begins.

The multiple campaigns fronted by Scott have inspired dozens of memes and his shouting has even stared on a hardcore dance remix which has attracted in excess of one million views on Youtube.

An alternative hip hop version of his shouting proved less successful.

In place of Scott, Cillit Bang is now placing its faith a dancer by the name of Daniel Cloud Camposin the hope that his cleaning style will help it shift more cleaning products.

There was no shouting at all in his first ad in which he is seen dressed as a mechanic cleaning up an oily garage through the somewhat unconventional medium of dance.

We may not be entirely Scott-free however as the makers, left the door open for a possibly return by posting an online tribute which ended with the teasing words “Bye... for now”.

Conor Pope

Conor Pope

Conor Pope is Consumer Affairs Correspondent, Pricewatch Editor