April was drier and sunnier than average

Rainfall levels were below average last month, Met Éireann monthly report shows

The highest average temperature for the month was clocked at 10 degrees in Newport, Co Mayo. Photograph: iStock

The month of April was drier, sunnier and warmer than usual, according to a monthly weather summary from Met Éireann.

The national forecaster said rainfall levels over the month were below average across most of the country.

Monthly totals of rainfall ranged from 28.1mm at Dublin Airport weather station, up to 85.2mm at Markree, Co Sligo, the wettest April the station has seen since 2009.

The heaviest day of rain was recorded on April 17th at Roche’s Point, Co Cork, which saw 25.8mm. Both Malin Head, Co Donegal and Belmullet, Co Mayo recorded 21 days of rain over the month, while Oak Park station in Co Carlow registered rain on 10 days.


Temperatures were above the long-term average at most stations, according to Met Éireann’s summary of the weather over April.

The highest average temperature for the month was clocked at 10 degrees in Newport, Co Mayo, while the highest on a single day was 18.5 degrees in Phoenix Park, Dublin on April 15th.

The coldest day was recorded at Mullingar station, Co Westmeath, at minus 4.6 degrees on April 3rd.

The weather was sunniest in the north-east of the country, but all stations totals of sunshine were above long-term averages. Malin Head station in Co Donegal recorded the most sun in a day at more than 14 hours on April 27th.

Monthly average wind speeds varied from 10.9 km/h at Ballyhaise, Co Cavan to 25.4 km/h at Malin Head, Co Donegal, the report said.

While some weather stations did not record any gale force winds over the month, Malin Head recorded four days where winds reached gale force.

The strongest gusts were seen at both Mace Head, Co Galway and Newport, Co Mayo, with the two stations registering wind speeds of 109 km/h on April 6th.

Jack Power

Jack Power

Jack Power is acting Europe Correspondent of The Irish Times