Independent TDs oppose cuts in SNAs

Reductions in the number of special needs assistants (SNAs) are to be the subject of a private members’ motion from the technical…

Reductions in the number of special needs assistants (SNAs) are to be the subject of a private members’ motion from the technical group of TDs in the Dáil next week.

A protest on the issue is also timed to take place outside Leinster House on Wednesday afternoon.

At a news conference in Dublin today, Socialist Party TD Clare Daly accused Minister for Education Ruairí Quinn of failing to notify schools until the last week of term to “cut across opposition” to the cutbacks in special needs.

“This degree of cynicism beggars belief. We are putting the Government on notice that have not and they will not get away with this.,” she said. “We are calling on all parents, teachers, SNAs and pupils, to turn up outside the Dáil next Wednesday when our motion is being discussed.”


Independent TD for Wexford Mick Wallace said he was backing the campaign to demand that the Government reverses the cuts. “We hope that this day of protest will be an important stage in the campaign and we will continue to fully support them.”

Deaglán  De Bréadún

Deaglán De Bréadún

Deaglán De Bréadún, a former Irish Times journalist, is a contributor to the newspaper